Breastfeeding is the most effective ways to ensure a child's health and survival. Breastmilk is the ideal food for babies. It is safe, clean, and contains all the nutrients that the baby needs to grow. It also contains antibodies which help protect the baby against common childhood illnesses. Breastfeeding is also beneficial to the mother as it helps the mother and the baby to bond, and it can assist the mother to lose baby weight.
Reasons for low supply of breastmilk
Some women may struggle to produce enough milk and may become disheartened by this (and eventually stop breastfeeding all together). There are many factors that contribute to the low supply of breast milk, these include:
delays in breastfeeding after delivery, or separation of the mother and baby (examples include: if the baby is unwell after delivery, and if the baby is premature and needs special intensive care)
poor attachment to the breast (poor latching techniques). If the baby is not suckling properly this may have a direct affect on the production of milk.
if the mother has breast problems such as mastitis
Medical problems such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, diabetes and even breast or nipple surgery can make milk production difficult.
It is important to focus on the improving modifiable causes of milk production such as feeding technique and breastfeeding on demand. Seek medical help with the factors that are beyond your control. There are many ways in which a women may increase milk production.
In this article we will discuss natural ways to increase milk production.
How to increase milk production
1. Breastfeed as soon as possible: Waiting too long to start breastfeeding can contribute to a low supply of breastmilk. If possible, breast-feed within the first hour after delivery.
2. Breastfeed as often as possible: Breastfeed on demand every 2-3 hours at least 8 times in 24 hours. Milk production is about supply and demand. The more the breasts are emptied, the more breastmilk is produced. If you are not able to breastfeed often consider using a breastpump and pump every 5 hours.
3. Ensure that the baby is latching correctly: Aim your baby’s lower lip away from the base of your nipple. The baby’s lips should be turned outward. If you are unsure about the appropriate position and how to get the baby to latch correctly, consult your doctor or midwife. Appropriate latching technique is very important as the baby may get tired easily
and might lose interest in breastfeeding.
4. Ensure that you drink enough water and follow a healthy and balanced diet: You can only have a sufficient supply of breastmilk if you are eating enough and taking enough fluids.
5. Ensure that you are resting as much as possible: A rested mother is more likely to have a good supply of breastmilk. Breastmilk production has a psychological aspect to it and therefore mothers who are well rested and motivated to breastfeed usually produce more breastmilk.
6. Avoid alcohol and smoking: Drinking moderate to heavy amounts of alcohol can decrease breastmilk production. These do not only affect breastmilk production, but they are also dangerous to the baby.
7. Do not start the baby on pacifiers too early: Giving your baby a pacifier too early may discourange him/her from taking the breast.
8. Do not mix feed: Exclusive breastfeeding helps improve the production of breastmilk because the baby feeds for longer.
9. Breastfeed from both sides: You or your baby may prefer one side over the other, but it helps to switch sides.
Apart from these tips, there are some foods that have been known to improve the production of breastmilk. These include Fenugreek, almonds, and garlic. There is no research that strongly support the link between these foods, so it is best to use above mentioned suggestions as well.
Take home message
Breastfeeding has a lot of benefits for the mother and child. To ensure a good supply of breastmilk start early, breastfeed on demand, and ensure that you are following a healthy diet and drinking a lot of water.
This article is written by Dr Itumeleng Buti MBChB (Pret)
1. World Health Organization. Health Topics: Breastfeeding.[ Internet] WHO pubication. [Updated 2018 February 20; Cited 2022 February 10] Available from:
2. C. Victora, R. Bahl, A Barros, G.V.A Franca, S. Horton, J. Krasevec, S. Murch, M. J. Sankar, N. Walker, and N. C. Rollins. 2016. "Breastfeeding in the 21st Century: Epidemiology, Mechanisms and Lifelong Effect." The Lancet 387 (10017):475-490.
3. Healthline Media. Parenthood; 5 ways to increase Breast Milk production. [Internet] Healthmedia; Adrienne Santos-Longhurst. [Updated 2018 May 7; Cited 2022 February 10] Available from:
4. Pregnancybirthbaby.How to increase breast milk suppy. [Internet] Australia. [ Updated 2021 October; Cited 2022 February 10] Available from: