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Movement is Medicine

“It is not a failure to readjust my sails to fit the waters I find myself in.” – Mackenzie Lee

Lockdown has meant that many of our plans have been forcefully altered and we are facing an ever-growing amount of stress. Along with this, many of our personal goals may have taken a backseat as we fight to keep our heads above water. Despite having the best intentions to look after your health, has the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic caused you to put this on hold?

The reality is that it is now even more important to focus on maintaining your health with regular exercise and healthy eating patterns. In addition to this, research has shown that ceasing regular physical activity can contribute to depressive symptoms in healthy adults*. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with the current situation, skipping exercise will likely only make you feel worse.

If you are frustrated with not being able to train at gym or with friends like you normally would, find a way to work around that so that you can still take advantage of the positive effects of exercise. To assist, a team of qualified fitness and healthcare professionals developed tailored and easily accessible fitness and nutrition programmes. These can all be done at home with the confidence that you are following a structured and goal-driven regimen.

Visit today to kickstart your fitness journey and use the discount code “BABYHUB” to get 15% off your first purchase.

*Read more: Morgan JA, Olagunju AT, Corrigan F, Baune BT. Does ceasing exercise induce depressive symptoms? A systematic review of experimental trials including immunological and neurogenic markers. J Affect Disord. 2018 Jul;234:180-192. []

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